Rashtra Defence Academy

Indian Air Force STAR Exam Details In June Last Week

The Indian Air Force’s STAR exam date will be announced in the last week of June. Indian Air Force STAR Exam is an IAF Airmen selection test. The exam was scheduled to be held from March 19 to March 23. It was however postponed due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Indian Air Force has made an official announcement on its website that new dates for the exam will be announced in the last week of June 2020. See the detailed notice published on IAF official website:

NOTICE:- STAR 01/2020:

In view of the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country due to COVID-19 pandemic causing serious disruptions, STAR 01/20 e-Pariksha scheduled in Mar 2020 was postponed. Fresh dates will be intimated in the last week of Jun 2020. For the latest updates, https://.airmenselection.cdac.in can be referred.

Indian Air Force STAR Exam Details In June Last Week

Through STAR, the Indian Air Force selects candidates for Airmen In group ‘X’ trades (except education instructor trade) and group ‘Y’ trades except for automobile technician, Indian Air Force (police), Indian Air Force (security) and musician trades.

In view of the extraordinary situation prevailing in the country due to COVID-19 pandemic causing serious disruptions, Recruitment Medical Examination in respect of candidates selected through Recruitment Rallies (i.e Sangareddy, Brahmapur, Guwahati, Surat, Anuppur, and Bengaluru conducted between Jan 2020 to Feb 2020) has been deferred from Jul 2020 and is likely to be conducted in Oct/ Nov 2020. Fresh dates will be intimated in due course. For the latest updates follow https://airmenselection.cdac.in.

Therefore we advise the students who are going to appear in Indian Air Force STAR Exam to stay at home and prepare for their forthcoming exam in a better way. Be in touch with your institute and teachers and get your doubts cleared through online platforms. Do more hard work and do your best in the exam.

Good Luck!

Rashtra Defence Academy

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